2011年7月7日 星期四


(A) 在最上層的職位中總有些空缺。
There is always room for one more person at the top.

(B) 成功的要訣是在適當的時機得到適當的工作機會。
The key to success is being in the right place at the right time.

(c) 好的部屬造就了好上司。
Good subordinates make good superiors.

(D) 生涯規劃與發是人力資源部門的功能與職掌。
Career planning and development are function of the human resource department.

(E) 好事總會降臨到工作時間長而且勤奮的人。
All good things come to these who work long, hard hours.

(F) 經由生涯管道的設計安排而得以快速的推展,主要是靠經理人的主持所致。
Rapid advancement along a career path is largely a function of the kind of manager one has.

(G) 您之所以能夠向前邁進是先找出您的弱點然後努力匡正它們。
The way to get ahead is to determine your weakness and then work hard to correct them.

(I) 把家庭生活與工作生活截然分開乃是上上之策。
It’s wise to keep from life and work life separated.

(J) 籬笆另一邊的草永遠是較綠些。
The grass is always greener on the other side f the fence.

